Thursday, March 24, 2011

What's In My Room?

When I was cleaning my room, I discovered this raunchy, moldy substance and I didn’t know what it was. So I took it upon my self to go to school and take it to the science lab.
I brought the substance to my science teacher and she said “Let’s go check it out!” I followed her into the room with all of the mitrarials that we use in school. She took the microscope out and looks into it and noticed that there was hair on it. So she told me to take a look and I did. What I observed was hair on it and it looked slimy. I found some globes in the room, and I took one so I can touch the substance. And I did. “YUCK!” I yelled. My teacher told me let the substance stay over night. So I did. The next day I went to school and my teacher said “I’ve been researching this and I found out what it was.” I screamed “OMG! Cool. What is it.?” She announced that it was pudding! “Ewww, I remember eating that, It was last Saturday and I couldn’t finnishmy pudding so I throw it on the ground”.

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